Does the critical dmg mod work in elsword pvp
Does the critical dmg mod work in elsword pvp

does the critical dmg mod work in elsword pvp

They can be obtained from events and the weekly pvp quest. To get the most value you want to use sage stones. Speaking of sockets its important what you socket with. If you haven't done that yet I highly recommend you doing so. Available from Heroic dungeons, wedges allow you an extra socket on your weapon and armors. One thing a lot of people forget about are wedges. I do recommend picking up HH because even as rare it is insanely busted, but it won't actually help your cp if that is your main goal. The Head Hunter force passive is insanely powerful and gives you a lot of boss dmg, however, if you dont have the unique version it'll actually drop your cp, with the unique version you'll barely have a net gain. But it's important to note that the source of that boss dmg is important. Now boss dmg does add a fair amount of cp and socketing those will help. As a side note, the higher your enhancement on your armor the more tears you can socket onto it.

does the critical dmg mod work in elsword pvp

The more you can socket the higher it will be. Much like ASD, critical dmg adds a lot to your overall cp. Every single one of those 700k+ people you saw I can practically guarantee had these.

does the critical dmg mod work in elsword pvp

While its not the only factor there (I have a lot of other premium stats on my pve gear) ASD adds A LOT to your cp (the amount also scales with your weapon enhancememt).Īnother thing is critical damage el tears. Just as a reference, I have around 240k cp when I have my pvp set on (which doesnt have asd) and when I swap to my pve set I jump to around 620k. There are two main ways to get ASD, El Tears and ERP. One of the biggest thing is all skill dmg (or rather just skill damage in general). Now with that being said there are things anyone can do to raise their cp regardless of enhancement level.


Most of the people with 700k+ cp have +11 Rosso Raid Weapons with full mystic stones. You gain the most cp from your weapon and its enhancement. You're missing the elephant in the room, enhancement level. Some regions are more strict about this than others. It can be played with either a keyboard or controller.Įlsword is region locked, so you will have to play in your region.

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  • If u dont have a pet with deadly chanse i no see never a deadly chanse. My conclution items set with luck is usseles only a weapon with luck work the others items with luck is usseles and ofc a pet with deadly dmg work only exe.alot exe dmg with 2%Ĥ.- i unequip all items and i equip a weap epic normal exe dmg 2% and i combine my garuda+ roch ( garuda and roch no have deadly chanse opcions) and the combination give me 1% deadly dmg chanse and my trophy 1 % doble dmg chanse and no work again alot hits and i stil no see any yellow dmg only alot exe dmg with 2% and i know how is a doble dmg btw is yellow! And said doble dmg lol Btw i test deadly and critical dmg chanse and this is what i testġ.-Fist i unequip all items also wings then i put my weapon whit luck chanse and i hit alot hits criticals also exelent dmg to and my critical was 5% max chanse and my exe 2% max and i hit alot criticals and exe dmg with that %Ģ.- i unequip all and i equip a normal weap epic with exe dmg 2% only and i put a helm with critical dmg chanse5% and there is the bug no critical hits only exe procs i test many mins waithing for a critical procs and no work.ģ.- i unequip all and i equip a normal weap with exe dmg 2% and my wings feather tier 3 it give me 5% critical dmg and again no procs of critical.

    Does the critical dmg mod work in elsword pvp